Strategic Growth Hacking
Strategic Growth Hacking is a cross-functional systematic test-iteration framework to build a powerful growth team and culture.
Strategic Growth Hacking is a method I've used and developed while building growth in companies such as Freska (15% MoM Nordic home cleaning startup), Yousician (the world's largest music education app), Paxful (the world's largest P2P crypto marketplace), and hundreds of other startups in Finland, Sweden, and Estonia.
I believe growth hacking should be strategic and cross-functional to make a real impact and build an experimentation culture in the company. Still, often, it falls to be a meaningless performance marketing trick.
If you're interested in exploring growth hacking as a cross-functional systematic test-iteration method aiming to build a powerful growth team and culture in your company, you've come to the right place.
Learn the SGH Framework:
Strategic Growth Hacking Framework
The Strategic Growth Hacking Framework is used in hundreds of startups in the Nordics and Baltics.

Get started with SGH:
Get started with Strategic Growth Hacking
A process guide for Strategic Growth Hacking framework and Growth Dashboard by Mari Luukkainen.

Download a free dashboard:
Free Growth Hacking Dashboard
Use the same Spreadsheet dashboard the most successful early-stage startups in Nordics are using. Completely free!

In Finnish:
Strateginen kasvuhakkerointi
Opas siiloriippumattoman kasvuhakkeroinnin aloittamiseen. Metodi on käytössä sadoissa startupeissa Pohjoismaissa ja Baltiassa.